Greetings to you, my fellow readers, Romio will be your host for today.
I want to present you the first conversions I’ve ever made – the inquisitor and the fist of his retinue, the female bodyguard.
As this blog does, this conversion started with Storag, who brought me a plastic hammerhead, sawed off some DnD miniature (yeah, this guy loves sawing). It required a hilt and I made one, using a metal paper clip as a base, and covered it with a green stuff, to give it a leather-wrapped look. Each Thunder Hammer should have a power generator, hence I made one for mine, connecting it to the head by gluing a plastic cord. To give it a more imperial appearance I decorated the generator and placed a scull at the hilt’s bottom. So, the weapon of mass destruction was created and needed a proper hand to hold it.
Such a hand was found in the local Hobby Store in the face of the Forge World Solomon Lok. He was a perfect candidate, not just because of his cool hooded garment, but also because his puny saber just cried for replacement.
A sutable ranged weapon was needed to pair his grand hammer and thus I made a Plasma Revolver. The weapon that looks as good as stupid it sounds. Plasma Pistol and Grot Blasta was used as parts for this gun.
Due to the shape of his hands I had to use green stuff to remake fingers to fit both grips.
Now here he is, charging into battle to crush skulls and purge heresy:
Speaking of second one, the Inquisitor’s wench – it was hell of a problem to get a decent female body suitable for my simple idea: deadly, zealous and sexy female warrior, much alike Julie from the Heavy Metal 2000 animated movie. I took a GW Dark Eldar Wyches, but I’m still not sure this choice fulfills it. This Wyches are way too brutal with their muscular arms, bulky manly torso and awful shaped ass. A pair of tits just isn’t enough to make one sexy.
I had to cut her whole back and used some green stuff to cover it with a short scarf-like cape, encrusting right soulder with a small fibula. On her shoulder pad I sculpted a small Inquisition insignia.
Being too lazy to shape her rear to a proper condition, I just hid it under a green stuff rag. Not the best idea, as I understand now, but experience is always an experience.
As for weapons, her left hand holds a sword, made of a Catachan blade, some Chaos ceremonial dagger hilt and default Wyches handle. And in the right hand there’s a Catachan laspistol, slightly modified to get more classic look.
So, she stepping forward to strike Inquisitor's foes with a lasbeam, sharp blade and lecherous makeup:
Well, that’s all for today. I hope my first experience was interesting for you.
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