Hello there, it's still Storag and today's post is about one of my current "work in progress", the latest addition to my heavily modified grot squad - a grot loota with big shoota :) (a whole squad I will present later).
A couple days ago, one nice fella gave me the body of GW FB gnoblar and so he's going be my today's willing subject.
Using this body might give my squad a bit more of so precious variety.
The first thing anyone need to start a conversion is an Idea. What do you see looking at this one? I see not a bludgeon but a crudely made shoota, I see loot bags and ammo instead of meat rations. And this one should definitely have an angry face - carrying such weight on your back is not a feat to raise one's mood.
The body
In order for the club to look like a gun certain changes must be made to create a distinctive rifle look.
First I needed to add a weapon part featuring ammo cartridge. To do this I gently cut part of the club away trying not to damage the hand. Then I shape the part which I sawed off from a standard issue slugga to fit in.
Second, I glue in some bits to form a rifle-style stock around the club's original grip.
The shoota is obviously too big for a grot to use as it is, so I decided to install a pair of support legs to let him actually shoot it rather than carry around as a trophy.
Finally I place aiming cross and a halberd-like blade on the barrel to complete the weapon's shape.
After the major work is done I cut off some unwanted decoration from his back and add two details; one is an ammo clip, and the other are several shells falling through the hole in one of his sacks.
The head
As I've said before, his face should be angry and thus I searched my bitsbox for a worthy head. The one I've found was angry enough but upward pointing ears made it look more like a cheerful-angry than a grim-angry I wanted. So I sliced his ears off, cut them a bit and glued back so they point down now. But still that wasn't enough for me. To make it look more 40k and a little psychotic I've build from scrap something like implanted monocular.
This is how it all look like when assembled.
Searching for target practice. |
Feel free to comment. I'm looking forward any feedback on my works.
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